SECTION A: How is the Framework arranged?1. How is the Framework arranged?
The basis of the Framework is a scorecard of seven Key Performance Areas, or KPAs.Each KPA sits within one of three ‘Dimensions’. The effectiveness dimension looks at the quality of the provision – qualification success rates, Ofsted inspection judgments, etc. The second dimension is responsiveness, which will provide a numerical value assessing how well each provider listens and responds to its core constituents – learners and employers. The third dimension reflects the financial situation of the provider.Providers will be scored on each and then receive an overall performance rating (OPR) which will be from 1 (Outstanding), 2 (Good), 3 (Satisfactory) and 4 (Inadequate). Scores will be able to be compared against a national average.The two KPAs under Responsiveness are: Responsiveness to Learners and Responsiveness to Employers. Responsiveness to Learners consists of two performance indicators: the results of a Learner Views survey and a census of Learner Destinations.