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Sometimes when I send an email message, the web addresses that I send cannot be clicked by the recipient. Other times they can be clicked. Whats the deal?


Sometimes when I send an email message, the web addresses that I send cannot be clicked by the recipient. Other times they can be clicked. Whats the deal?


• A: This happens when a message is composed in HTML or Rich Text format and the links are not “activated” by the person composing the message. When a message is composed in Outlook, one has the choice to send the message in HTML, Rich Text, or Plain Text format. If a message is sent in Plain Text format, URLs will almost always be clickable by the recipient if they have an email client that auto-activates hyperlinks. However, if a message is sent in HTML or Rich Text format, one must manually make URLs active by doing the following: (a) Pressing the space bar or hitting return immediately after entering a URL so it appears with an underline indicating an active hyperlink. (b) Or, highlighting a URL and clicking the hyperlink toolbar button so it appears with an underline indicating an active hyperlink.

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.