What are different types of disasters that can destroy records?
Natural Disasters • Fire • Flood • Tornado • Landslide • Severe Winter Weather • Wildfire Environmental Disasters • Power Outage • Systems Outage • Explosion • Contamination • Aircraft Crash • Train Derailment • Chemical Agents • Nuclear Disaster Incited Disasters • Vandalism • Terrorism • Arson • Sabotage • Theft • Riot or Civil Disorder Disaster Life Cycle There are four phases in a Disaster Life Cycle: Normal Operations: The time period before a disaster occurs. During this phase, a Disaster Plan would establish procedures for operating during a disaster, and determine means to mitigate the impact of any disaster. Emergency Response: The first few hours immediately following a disaster. During this phase, a Disaster Plan would establish means to ensure life safety and security. Interim Processing: The time period when your business needs to re-start and operate under the contingency program of the Disaster Plan. Restoration: The time period when your “old” business facility is resto