What are .ITX textures?
• The decal DOESN’T cover the whole sphere!!! • I can’t get a good flatten! • How can I create a dinosaur skin texture? • I have a problem mapping a starfield to the inside of a sphere. • An .AVA file is created every time I make a change to my model! • How can I flatten, decal, and set the transparent color? • My texture looks good but is terribly dark when rendered! • Where is the unflatten command? • Is there any way to have a decal displayed above another decal? • My decal doesn’t wrap entirely around a cylinder! • How do you unflatten after you’ve applied your decal? • Can you have multiple stamps of a single decal on a model? • Is decal order important? • Is the manual correct when describing how to flatten? • I attempted to put a decal on a simple model, but when I render, I see no change! • How do you select the Alpha channel of a 32 bit TGA for use as the cookie cut channel? • How do I get displacement maps to work? • How can I apply tileable textures? • I would love to know h