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What are plaque, tartar and gingivitis?

Gingivitis plaque tartar

What are plaque, tartar and gingivitis?


Plaque is a gummy mass of microorganisms that grow on the crowns and spreads along the roots of teeth and is both colorless and transparent. Dental plaques are the forerunners of dental caries and periodontal disease. Tartar is hardened plaque deposited upon the teeth. Gingivitis is inflammation of the gums characterized by redness, swelling and tendency to bleed.


When a dog eats, food, saliva and bacteria will stick to its teeth. This is normal. This combination of food, saliva and bacteria is called plaque. Plaque is easily removed from teeth by brushing. If the plaque is not removed, it accumulates and causes irritation of the gums. The bacteria in plaque produce toxins which make the irritation worse. This inflammation causes breakdown in the gum and tissue surrounding the teeth. Inflammation of the gum around the teeth is called gingivitis. When plaque stays on the teeth for long enough, it will harden and turn into tartar or calculus. Tartar allows more bacteria and debris to accumulate. This makes inflammation of the gums worse. As gum inflammation gets worse, the gum recedes away from the tooth, the tooth becomes loose, bacteria and inflammation spread to the jawbone underneath the tooth, and eventually the tooth falls out. Tartar can accumulate above the gum line where it can be seen and also below the gum line where it cannot be seen.


Plaque is a gummy mass of microorganisms that grow on the crowns and spreads along the roots of teeth and is both colorless and transparent. Dental plaques are the forerunners of dental caries and periodontal disease. Tartar is hardened plaque deposited upon the teeth. Gingivitis is inflammation of the gums characterized by redness, swelling and tendency to bleed.

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.