What are Some Types of Sectarian Schools?
A school that is associated with a particular faith or religion and/or is integrated with life in a faith community is one of the schools referred to as sectarian schools. Schools that do not meet this criterion are sometimes called secular schools. All public schools in the United States are secular schools, but there are many sectarian schools as well. Sectarian schools promulgate the faith tradition or a belief system that they are associated with, as well as teaching academic subjects in the light of the faith’s values. There are three main faiths in the United States that have associated sectarian schools: Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Sometimes sectarian schools may be recognized by their names. Christian schools often have a saint’s name as part of their name, although be careful with schools like St. Lawrence University, named for its proximity to the St. Lawrence River. Jewish schools may be called yeshivas. And Islamic schools may be referred to as madrasahs, of which the