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What are the effects of Agricultural Chemicals or Pesticides on H2Organic?

10 Posted

What are the effects of Agricultural Chemicals or Pesticides on H2Organic?


The agricultural chemicals used for turf grass maintenance will NOT affect H2Organic. The only time they are worth considering, is when rain water causes the chemicals to flush into the pond. But even then, the concentrations of chemicals are so low that they will NOT affect H2Organic’s overall performance. The use of pesticides in a pond is a separate issue, however a few points to know are: If you need to apply any pesticides (algaecides, herbicides, insecticides, etc.) directly to the pond water, we recommend you use all of them at the same time. Wait 48 hours before beginning the H2Organic Program. This way the chemicals will not be concentrated enough in the water to affect H2Organic. If you want to use a pesticide after starting the H2Organic Program, you must do so 48 hours before application of weekly maintenance dose of H2Organic. (For the same reasons as above) It is not recommended to wait more that 48 hours after using an algaecide. Any longer of a wait, allows more time fo

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