What are the minimum passing marks required when you give an entry test at university?
Dear Fahra: I have answered most of your questions before for other students and would appreciate your taking the time to review those answers through the links on the Student Page. 1. I chose to be a pediatrician because I like children and I like helping people. 2. Your question is unclear. Most children should not be on any medication. Medications are prescribed only to treat specific conditions. The choice of medication depends on what the doctor is treating and how the patient is responding to treatment. 3. There are new technologies being developed in medicine all the time, but there are no special new technologies in my office except for Dermabond, a glue for closing lacerations. 4. I do have to see patients for emergencies during the night. 5,6,7,8 Please see previous interviews. 9. It is important for any physician to remember as much medical knowledge as he can. It is equally important to remember that patients come to us for our help. We have a responsibility to provide the