What are the properties of scalar energy?
The existence of scalar energy was first proposed by James Clerk Maxwell in the mid 18th century. The key to Maxwell’s equation is the use of the P symbol, which stand for Scalar Charge Density, thus representing that the existence of scalar energy was theoretically proposed. It was almost half-century later before Nicola Tesla actually able to demonstrate the existence of scalar energy. The term scalar was used by Nikola Tesla as a part of powerful non-Hertzian energy (without frequencies) which he referred to as standing energy or cosmic waves, Einstein acknowledged the existence of this form of energy and made due reference to scalar energy in the 1920’s. Properties of scalar energy Scalar energy is created when two common electromagnetic waves come together from two opposite converging vectors. When the energy vectors meet, the equal frequencies cancel each other leaving a static or stationary form of energy and zero frequency. A Scalar energy is known as a fifth-dimensional non-li