What are TrAX and JAXP, and are they related?
TrAX is the Transformation API for XML. In November 2000, TrAX was revised and incorporated into JAXP, the JAVA API for XML Processing. JAXP (including TrAX) provides users a standard, vendor-neutral API for working with (and transforming) XML documents. You can use this API to build applications that are not bound to the particular implementation details of a given XML parser or XSL transformer. Xalan-Java includes the JAXP packages, implements the TrAX portion of that API (javax.xml.transform….), and includes xercesImpl.jar from Xerces-Java, which implements the parser portion of the API (javax.xml.parser….). For more information, see TRaX (Transformation API for XML) and Java API for XML Processing 1.1 Public Review 2.