What authentication measures does SCMP.com offer for logged on users?
All users must successfully enter their log in and password. The log on and password is encrypted with SSL transmission. Incorrect user name and/or password, or a failed log in will bring up an error page. Users will be automatically logged out after 2 hours of no activity. Part 7 About the South China Morning Post The South China Morning Post is Hong Kong’s best selling English language daily newspaper, taking some 97% of the total readership of English language newspaper in Hong Kong (source: ACNielsen). For almost 100 years, the South China Morning Post has been Asia’s most respected source of English language news. It has an unrivalled reputation for accurate and authoritative coverage of Greater China and the rest of Asia. For the Hong Kong’s business community, the South China Morning Post is a vital source of news and analysis, with special emphasis on Greater China. Its award-winning on-line operation, SCMP.com, with over 750,000 registered users, adds real-time dimension to th