What books or scripture support Sylvias beliefs?
There are hundreds of books written during the time of Jesus that never got into the Bible we know. You may have heard of the Dead Sea Scrolls, or the Nag Hammadi Library, and many others. Such texts are just as valid as the books in the Bible, but were not included. Here is a good reading list if you want to see a much bigger picture of the ancient times and life of Jesus. I am curious about the difference between Angels and Spirit Guides. I am glad you asked this because it is confusing. A Spirit Guide is an actual person – like you and me – who had a physical life at one time then passed over to the Other Side, as we all do upon death. A Guide has their own identity and life chart just as you do. Then before you come into a life on Earth you will seek out a friend to “watch out” for you while you are in life. That friend is your Spirit Guide, and they remain on the Other Side helping and protecting you during your journey on Earth. Your Guide is always with you, they are the little