What Causes Chimneys to Develop Cracks?
What causes cracks in your chimney and chimney flue? The answer matters — if you don’t think your chimney will develop cracks, you won’t keep an eye out for them. And then you won’t have the opportunity to make a quick repair before a small problem grows into a big one. That “big problem” can range from expensive repointing/brick replacement to dangerous gases leaking into your home, threatening the health of you and your family. Here are five signs you have increased risk for chimney cracks: 1. You live in an area with a rapid freeze-thaw cycle and you use the fireplace intermittently. This especially true for wood-burning fireplaces. The biggest culprit is moisture. What starts out as water vapor becomes tiny droplets of water. These droplets settle into fissures in your chimney – and freeze if when the temperature drops and you’re not using your fireplace. Then, since it’s gotten cold again, you fire up the fireplace, and melt that water. The next day you decide not to have a fire