What Causes Dog Enlarged Prostate Glands?
Prostatitis hypertrophy in dogs is caused when the dog’s prostate glands become swollen without an infection. This swelling is caused by sex hormones in the dog’s body that have an effect on the prostate glands. There are two different types of sex hormones that can cause this disturbance and swelling. The first is testosterone, which is the male sex hormone produce within the testicles and can cause pain and discomfort when it over stimulates the prostate gland into swelling. The second hormone is the female hormone oestrogen, this is perfectly normal in a male dog but only in a very small amount. Too much and the prostate will swell and possibly change the structure of the prostate gland cells by a process called squamous metaplasia. If a female hormone is the cause then it may be due to a sertoli cell tumor and should be checked in the appropriate way. What Your Vet May Say or Do To begin your vet will probably look for signs of a stiff back legs and arched back amongst other signs