The cause of severe obesity is poorly understood. There are probably many factors involved. In obese persons, the set point of store energy is too high. This altered set point may result from a low metabolism with low energy expenditure, excessive caloric intake, or a combination of the above. There is scientific data that suggests obesity may be an inherited characteristic.Severe obesity is most likely a result of a combination of genetic, psychosocial, environmental, social and cultural influences that interact resulting in the com,lex disorder of both appetite regulation an energy metabolism.
Short Answer: Severe obesity is most likely a result of genetic, psychological, environmental, social, and cultural influences that interact resulting in the complex disorder of both appetite regulation and energy metabolism. In obese persons, the set-point of stored energy is too high. This altered set-point may result from a low metabolism with low energy expenditure, excessive calorie intake, or a combination of both disorders. Most obesity experts do not think that severe obesity is simply a lack of self-control by the patient. Long answer: The cause of severe obesity is poorly understood and there are probably many factors involved. The most basic explanation for weight gain is often attributed to the first law of thermodynamics, which states that “the energy within a closed system remains constant.” This law is often interpreted as follows: “if you eat it (energy intake), then you must burn it (energy expended), or you will store it as potential energy (weight gain).” This interp