What causes the zombies?
The cause of the existence of zombies (or zombie like beings) would obviously play a huge roll in how the zombies are able to spread. If say the zombies come about like in “Night of the Living Dead” (and all other George A. Romero zombie movies) then we could have corpses digging themselves out of the ground all over the world. Considering the number of dead bodies all over the place this could cause quite a number of zombies suddenly being present which of course would greatly increase the chance of an all out apocalypse. But if the cause of zombies is an isolated infection case then the spread may be much hindered. This brings me to my next point. • How does the zombieness spread? In almost all zombie movies and literature the infection can be spread through a person being bitten by a zombie. In “28 Days Later” (and its sequel “28 Weeks Later”) the infection (which could be argued not to me true zombie because the people are essentially still alive, just blood -thirsty and crazed wit