What City of Seattle functions (costs) are covered by the new side sewer and drainage permit fees?
Four main City functions are involved in the permitting process: • application intake and review process • site inspection • program administration (public/customer information, staff supervision, etc.) • side sewer and drainage record keeping, which is now performed digitally using the City’s Geographic Information System (GIS) All of the new side sewer and drainage permit fees include a component for these four functions–except the side sewer repair permit fee, which is discounted to reflect the lower level of inspections and recording effort the City incurs for these types of permits. All the new fees include applicable City and State taxes. The new fee for side sewer and drainage installations, connections, alterations, and relocations is $375? What is included in the fee? This fee covers the City’s cost of receiving and reviewing a customer’s application, up to one hour of inspection time. It also includes two hours for recording and digitizing any changes made by the customer to