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What drives the need for two to four additional runways?

additional drives runways

What drives the need for two to four additional runways?


The need for additional runways is based on the projected future activity over the 2030 planning horizon, considering annual, peak month, and peak hour airfield demands. In defining the future demand, consideration is given to the characteristics of activity and aircraft and how those influence the projected activity at the Airport. The projected need for two to four additional runways reflects the forecasted growth in peak hour activity, as well as the historic wind and weather conditions at the Airport. Because runway use is governed by wind speed and direction, along with the navigational aids available on specific runway ends, the requirement for future runways gives consideration to these factors in determining options for meeting the forecasted demand. Consequently, runway development at DIA will provide additional capacity in crosswind conditions (defined as those wind conditions that require air traffic control to utilize alternative runways) and snow conditions, as well as inc

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.