What fees can be charged for handling a request for other records, i.e. an access request?
• Applicants are required to pay an initial fee of $25 for a one-time request, or $50 for a continuing request, before processing of the request will begin. • When the estimated cost of processing the request exceeds $150, then the total amount is charged. When the estimated cost is less than $150, then no fee above the $25 initial fee is charged to the applicant. • School boards can charge for the time to search, locate and retrieve a record; to prepare the record for disclosure (severing the record); copying costs; computer processing and programming costs; the cost of supervising an applicant who wishes to examine an original record; and shipping costs. • Preparing a record for disclosure does not include the time the school board takes to decide or discuss what will or will not be severed. • An applicant may request that the fees be waived if the applicant cannot afford payment or for other reasons if it is fair to excuse payment.
• Applicants are required to pay an initial fee of $25 for a one-time request, or $50 for a continuing request, before processing of the request will begin. • When the estimated cost of processing the request exceeds $150, then the total amount is charged. When the estimated cost is less than $150, then no fee above the $25 initial fee is charged to the applicant. • School boards can charge for the time to search, locate and retrieve a record; to prepare the record for disclosure (severing the record); copying costs; computer processing and programming costs; the cost of supervising an applicant who wishes to examine an original record; and shipping costs. • Preparing a record for disclosure does not include the time the school board takes to decide or discuss what will or will not be severed. • An applicant may request that the fees be waived if the applicant cannot afford payment or for other reasons if it is fair to excuse payment.
• Applicants are required to pay an initial fee of $25 for a one-time request, or $50 for a continuing request, before processing of the request will begin. • When the estimated cost of processing the request exceeds $150, then the total amount is charged. When the estimated cost is less than $150, then no fee above the $25 initial fee is charged to the applicant. • Housing management bodies can charge for the time to search, locate and retrieve a record; to prepare the record for disclosure (severing the record); copying costs; computer processing and programming costs; the cost of supervising an applicant who wishes to examine an original record; and shipping costs. • Preparing a record for disclosure does not include the time the housing management body takes to decide or discuss what will or will not be severed. • An applicant may request that the fees be waived if the applicant cannot afford payment or for other reasons if it is fair to excuse payment. These requests should be con
• Applicants are required to pay an initial fee of $25 for a one-time request, or $50 for a continuing request, before processing of the request will begin. • When the estimated cost of processing the request exceeds $150, then the total amount is charged. When the estimated cost is less than $150, then no fee above the $25 initial fee is charged to the applicant. • Post-secondary institutions can charge for the time to search, locate and retrieve a record; to prepare the record for disclosure (severing the record); copying costs; computer processing and programming costs; the cost of supervising an applicant who wishes to examine an original record; and shipping costs. • Preparing a record for disclosure does not include the time the post-secondary institution takes to decide or discuss what will or will not be severed. • An applicant may request that the fees be waived if the applicant cannot afford payment or for other reasons if it is fair to excuse payment. These requests should b
• Applicants are required to pay an initial fee of $25 for a one-time request, or $50 for a continuing request, before processing of the request will begin. • When the estimated cost of processing the request exceeds $150, then the total amount is charged. When the estimated cost is less than $150, then no fee above the $25 initial fee is charged to the applicant. • Libraries can charge for the time to search, locate and retrieve a record; to prepare the record for disclosure (severing the record); copying costs; computer processing and programming costs; the cost of supervising an applicant who wishes to examine an original record; and shipping costs. • Preparing a record for disclosure does not include the time the library takes to decide or discuss what will or will not be severed. • An applicant may request that the fees be waived if the applicant cannot afford payment or for other reasons if it is fair to excuse payment. These requests should be considered on a case-by-case basis.
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