What handheld computer programs (e.g. PocketPC, PalmPilot) exist to help me learn Chinese?
There’s Chinese Flashcards, Dragon Character Training, and study aids for the PalmPilot. For Chinese dictionaries, there is the Oxford Concise E&C/C&E Dictionary, the CEDICT Chinese/English dictionary look-up tool for the Palm and HNHSoft English-Chinese Dictionary for PDAs and phones. For the PocketPC, KingKanji says it can help students learn simplified characters. For general links on using Chinese on handhelds, see the Handheld page at ChineseComputing.com. What web resources can help me learn Cantonese? The best place to start is the home page of the Cantonese Language Association. Another good place to start is the Cantonese Help Sheets. Also see the Cantonese Language Profile and a list of schools that teach Cantonese. I do not speak Cantonese myself and so do not plan on adding any Cantonese-specific resources to this website. What resources exist to help children learn Chinese? Some websites exist specifically for children learning Chinese and sell various learning books and t