What happens at a Power Team Crusade?
Each crusade is a 5-night event (usually Wed.-Sun.) Each night features 90 minutes of illustrative sermon, Christian drama, and revival, as The Power Team communicates Biblical truths & scripture utilizing explosive and stunning feats of strength like: breaking baseball bats like twigs, bending horseshoes & steel bars, crushing concrete walls, rip phone books like pieces of paper and many other incredible power demonstrations. These incredible feats of strength draw people, young & old, to the church, and rivet their attention on the scripture and the inspirational stories shared by the team. Each evening, one member of the team shares a short, dynamic testimony about their life before & after Christ. Then, a Power Team leader closes with a motivational message and altar call, encouraging the lost in the audience to seek salvation. All the momentum, both in the church & the community, is focused on encouraging visitors & new converts to attend the Sunday morning service. With the suppo