What have asylum seekers/refugees ever done for us?
A recent Home Office report shows that people born outside the UK, including refugees, contribute 10% more to the economy in taxes and national insurance than they consume in benefits and public services – equivalent to a boost to the economy of £2.6 billion at 1998/99 prices. Many asylum seekers go on to contribute positively to economic growth in the UK. For example, Michael Marks, the founder of Marks & Spencer, was a refugee. Fish and chips were brought to Britain by 17th century Jews expelled from Portugal. The brains behind Mini and Morris Minor, Alec Issigonis, fled the war between Turkey and Greece. Lew Grade fled the Ukraine to become on of the giants in British television. Other famous refugees are Albert Einstein, Sigmund Freud, Karl Marx, and Alan Yentob (BBC Programmes Director). For a list of famous refugees who have lived in Britain and refugees who have made their name in Britain click on this external link: www.newvision.org.uk/famous.htm For information about some fam
A recent Home Office report shows that people born outside the UK, including refugees, contribute 10% more to the economy in taxes and national insurance than they consume in benefits and public services – equivalent to a boost to the economy of £2.6 billion at 1998/99 prices. Many asylum seekers go on to contribute positively to economic growth in the UK. For example, Michael Marks, the founder of Marks & Spencer, was a refugee. Fish and chips were brought to Britain by 17th century Jews expelled from Portugal. The brains behind Mini and Morris Minor, Alec Issigonis, fled the war between Turkey and Greece. Lew Grade fled the Ukraine to become on of the giants in British television. Other famous refugees are Albert Einstein, Sigmund Freud, Karl Marx, and Alan Yentob (BBC Programmes Director).
Hi! If you’re looking for shelter, I can give you some good advice political asylum. I have a lot of migrant friends. They told me that this information helped them. I suggest you study it. I think you’re gonna make it. You have the right to choose the country to live in. I believe everyone has. That’s fair.