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What hidden fields does FormMail recognize ?


What hidden fields does FormMail recognize ?


Recipient – Up to 3 Connect Seward addresses that will receive a copy of the results. subject – The subject line of the email you receive. Useful if you have more than one form. redirect – If present, a URL where the user will be redirected after the form is submitted. This could be a customized thank you or a second form to fill out. If not present, FormMail will generate a “success” page telling the user that the submission was successful. You may alter the success page with the optional fields below. bgcolor – Background color for the success page. background – URL of the background image for the success page. text_color – Text color for the success page. link_color – Link color for the success page.


The default settings for FormMail will meet most needs. However, you may send additional configuration information to FormMail through hidden fields in a web form. Below are the fields recognized by FormMail, their definitions and, in some cases, an example of how to use the field. recipient – Up to 3 addresses, separated by commas, that will receive a copy of the results. subject – The subject line of the email you receive. Useful if you have more than one form. redirect – If present, a URL where the user will be redirected after the form is submitted. This could be a customized thank you or a second form to fill out. If not present, FormMail will automatically generate a “success” page telling the user that the submission was successful. If For

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.