What is a Fireplace Blower?
A fireplace blower is an effective way to increase the efficiency of your home heating system. If you have an existing fireplace, you are probably already familiar with the benefit of supplementing your existing furnace or central heat system. A fireplace blower takes this one step further, by blowing the warmed air into the home. For many people, the drawback of a fireplace is that it is large, takes up a great deal of room, and creates a mess. The warmth from the fireplace stays in the room where the fireplace is located, which can cause the disadvantages to outweigh the advantages. A fireplace blower eliminates this problem. Adding a fireplace insert blower to your existing fireplace allows the warm air to filter through the entire home. If you already have a fireplace in your home, you can find fireplace blowers at stores that sell fireplace accessories. You can also have one professionally installed by looking on the Internet or the phone book for fireplace repair contractors. It