What is a forward traced animal?
• A forward traced animal is an animal that has come from or through a breakdown herd. These animals must be isolated as they may pose a risk to your herd. If these animals are females they are kept under restriction until they are slaughtered or have tested clear at 21 days after calving. Forward Traced High risk animals may be taken compulsorily as negative in contacts. In addition female progeny born in the two years prior to the dam being declared a reactor are bought and removed as negative-in-contact cattle. The reason for doing this is because female calves born to reactor animals may be latently infected with the disease i.e. silent carriers for an uncertain length of time. • If bulls are forward traced they are kept under restriction until they are out of the breakdown herd for a least a year and have tested clear at that stage. Bulls and maiden heifers are tested at 3 monthly intervals whilst cows are tested at monthly intervals. However if a forward traced maiden heifer orig