What is a mystery shopper?
A mystery shopper is someone who poses as a legitimate customer for a business and rates customer service or products for our clients. It’s almost as if you are going “undercover” to evaluate products or services. Each shop is different in that different clients are looking for certain information. You then fill out a detailed report that evaluates different areas of the business that the client is interested in getting information on. It is free to become a mystery shopper and you will be paid to shop for us if you are chosen for an assignment.
A mystery shopper is a freelance, professional shopper hired by large retail, restaurant or business to check up on their local stores in order to make sure that customer service is good, stores are clean, etc. Mystery Shoppers are paid for their time in doing the shop and in most cases are able to keep the merchandise they are authorised to purchase. 2. Can I work when I like? Yes. The beauty about mystery shopping is you can fit it into your spare time, so it doesn’t matter if you have a full time or part time job. When you get given an assignment to do, most companies do not specify when it needs to be done, more simply, when it needs to be done by – like a kind of deadline. This usually gives you a few days in which to complete the job. Therefore, you can do it when you wish – after work, weekends etc. It’s the perfect way to earn extra cash in your spare time!
A Mystery Shopper is like an undercover agent. Your job is to evaluate a business – either through onsite visits or telephone calls – as if you were an actual shopper or potential customer looking for a particular service. You need to evaluate and provide feedback about the greeting and attitude of store employees and the location’s appearance.
Mystery shopper is a person hired by a company that provides mystery shopping services. Mystery shopper is also known as secret shopper who secretly evaluates the business by pretending himself as a real customer. Their responsibilities mainly include
– Confidential field survey to check for their service, timeliness, speed of service, store appearance etc.
– Submission of reports after deriving the conclusions
– Verification of the information given by the institutions
For more information read http://issuu.com/aricchester/docs/ms_factors.pptx