What is a natural healing crisis?
Lastly, the homoeopath must know the difference between the 3 types of homoeopathic reactions and a natural healing crisis. A. A homoeopathic aggravation is controlled by the primary action of a homoeopathic remedy while a natural healing crisis is controlled by the secondary action of the vital force. Therefore, natural healing cycles are under the curative power of the vital principle within the constitution. Such a natural crisis is not overly prolonged nor dangerous to the health of the individual. B. A homoeopathic aggravation is the increase of those things present (similar aggravation) or the production of unrelated new symptoms (dis-similar aggravation). A true natural healing crisis produces the return of old symptoms and suppressed disease signs as well as surrogate eliminations. A natural healing crisis is always quickly followed by a greater sense of health and an increase in vitality. This is the basis of Hering’s Laws. If the return of old symptoms is prolonged, or more p