What is Florida law in regard to school speed zones and school buses?
The approach of a new school year brings out old questions on school zones and school buses. In Florida, school zones are governed by the Florida traffic laws, Florida Statutes, Section 316.1895. This statute states that “a school zone speed limit may not be less than 15 miles per hour except by local regulation. No school zone speed limit shall be more than 20 miles per hour in an urbanized area, as defined in S. 334.03. Such speed limit may be in force only during those times 30 minutes before, during and 30 minutes after the periods of time when people are arriving at a regularly scheduled breakfast program or a regularly scheduled school session and leaving a regularly scheduled school session.” The spatute also states that “Permanent signs designating school zones and school zone speed limits shall be uniform in size and color, and shall display the times during which the restrictive speed limit is enforced clearly designated thereon. The Department of Transportation shall establi