What is HTML?
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the set of “markup” symbols or codes inserted in a file intended for display on a World Wide Web browser. The markup tells the Web browser how to display a Web page’s words and images for the user. The individual markup codes are referred to as elements or tags.
To create a website, you will need to learn the basics of HTML. HTML is the acronym for HyperText Markup Language, which is the programming language used to create hypertext documents on the World Wide Web. The language is made up of a set of codes and symbols that will generate text, images, sounds, frames and animation on your browser pages. Two common ways to start your website are either to create your own codes in a simple text editor and save them as a .htm file. or use a HTML generator software. Note: I will strongly suggest you to always start by creating a webpage. You can hence use the codes learnt to generate other pages and link them together to create your own website. Requirements For those using Windows, start by opening a new Notepad document For those running MAC, open a new SimpleText document For OSX users, open TextEdit and make the following changes: 1. Open your “Format” menu and choose “Plain Text” 2.