What is Mystery Shopping?
Mystery shopping is a type of market research using real shoppers or people posing as a customer to gather information about a business. We usually shop financial services companies and gather information about employee performance, product quality, and overall opinion of the shopping experience. The goal with mystery shopping is to provide our clients with realistic performance measures for their distribution channels. Clients use the information gained from mystery shopping to measure service quality, and is normally just one part of a company wide programme to improve employee performance. Most firms tell employees what they expected from them and they measure this performance using mystery shopping. The idea is to learn from the customer’s point of view which areas of service quality need improvement so the company can make those changes as soon as possible. The information our mystery shoppers gather is important to our clients. Most of our shoppers find their assignments to be bo
A mystery shopper is like an undercover agent. You might accept assignments for restaurants, grocery stores, automobile dealers, retail stores, or amusement parks. Just about any type of business you can think of could benefit from the services of a mystery shopper. You receive a specific assignment for your shop. For example, you may be asked to describe the parking facilities, cleanliness, friendliness of staff, and your wait time at a restaurant. You must always work undetected. The staff should not suspect that you are an evaluator or they would treat you differently. Your job is not to spy on employees, or try to find things wrong or right. Your job is simply to follow the script that comes with your assignment and provide an impartial evaluation. You are the link that keeps the Corporate Headquarters informed and they need you to maintain yourself in a professional manner. For a business to be successful, they must maintain customer satisfaction. They can better please the custom
Mystery shopping is a form of research work whereby an individual poses as a customer to objectively gather information on the business being studied. The information gathered usually involves, but is not limited to, employee performance, product quality, and overall perception of the shopping experience. The information obtained from mystery shopping is used to measure service quality, and is normally just one part of a company wide program to enhance employee performance. Employees are told what is expected of them and that mystery shoppers will be used to evaluate their performance. The idea is to learn from the consumer’s point of view which areas of service quality need improvement so the company can make those changes as soon as possible. Mystery shopping is designed to reward good performance and identify areas for improvement and is not intended to punish employees. As you can see, the information our mystery shoppers gather is very important to our clients. Although the shoppi
Mystery shopping is the practice of using trained shoppers to anonymously evaluate customer service, operations, employee integrity, merchandising and product quality. Companies use mystery shopping to measure the performance of their services and keep customers as satisfied as possible. This way they maintain their reputation and prevent losing customers due to poor customer service. It costs 10x more to recruit a new customer than keep an existing one, and one unhappy customer will tell 5 other people about his bad experience with a service! Companies use mystery shopping to prevent this from happening. It’s a fun job that pays real money. You can earn money to shop in your favorite stores, eat in your favorite restaurants, drive a car, see a movie at your local theater or to play golf! You can read in the Wall Street Journal about how a mystery shopper living in Manhattan makes $7000 a month for shopping at malls, drinking at bars, driving cars and taking weekend trips to Hawaii and