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What is OMX capsule?

capsule omx

What is OMX capsule?


OMX capsule is a naturally fermented mixture of wild fruits, herbs, organic vegetables and fruits. Each capsule of OMX contains 19 types of amino acids, 6 types of vitamins, 9 types of minerals, 6 types of organic acids and over 100 types of enzymes that are already pre- digested. All these nutrients can be easily absorbed into our system. It also contains 16 strains of 100 million live lactic acid bacteria that are very useful for the body’s defense systems. Q: Why is the “Brown” capsule the best probiotic? A. “Brown” is naturally fermented original color of OMX paste. No coloring agents and preservatives are added giving it a higher efficacy for the benefit of health. Q: What is the component called lactone added into the OMX capsule? A. Lactone is naturally produced during fermentation and is needed for the synthesis of vitamin C and natural antibiotics in our body. Lactone also acts as a natural preservative and is effective in eliminating abnormal cell growth. Q: I have a 6 months

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.