What is proxy authentication?
Proxy authentication is the ability to connect as a user through another user. For example proxy authentication enables the middle tier to authentication once to the database using a ‘generic’ account and then establish lightweight session on behalf of actual users. See the JavaDoc for oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection.openProxySession.
Proxy authentication allows a user to perform a simple bind to an AD LDS instance, while still maintaining an association to an Active Directory account. Two accounts are involved in the transaction. The first is a special object in AD LDS called a userProxy object. The second is the user’s account in Active Directory.
Some proxy servers require a username and password before allowing the user access to the web. “Proxy authentication” is the process of passing those credentials to the proxy server for approval. If your proxy server requires authentication, you may need to supply HP Download Manager with a valid username and password. To change proxy settings within HP Download Manager, click the Options button from HP Download Manager main screen. (The options window also opens automatically when HP Download Manager launches.