What is Taylors Advertising Policy?
Originally posted by rsimper Hey, welcome to the new thread! Ill try to answer as succinctly and objectively as possible on just the questions you’ve asked. Taylor is different from other makers because they forbid pricing of new or used instruments in advertisements, both online and in print, and you cannot even mention that you carry Taylor on a website. People advise against buying from a chain because of service issues as well as sometimes they neglect the conditioning of the guitar in the store. The reason you can’t find the mention of Taylor on the net is because of their policy forbidding it. The best places to look, honestly, are the Taylor site (get a list of authorized dealers) and this forum. I, as well as many other members, would be more than willing to carry on email correspondence with you to help you find the best price for your guitar as well as the best place to get one. My email is rsimper@middlebury.edu and you can feel free to contact me anytime…