What is the Antichrist Identity Series?
Many of the traditional giants of bible prophecy are still interpreting end time events according to traditional meanings that really are now out dated in light of the primary evidence that is emerging regarding the new world order and its execution. Also we realized that some of the major bible prophecy ministries are censored to how much they can speak about the government, the new world order etc for fear of losing their airtime on radio or television which is major mode for their funding. For instance at a recent international bible prophecy conference, not one of the speakers spoke about the dangers of Barack Obama, the North American Union, the Club of Rome or the Masonic involvement with the New World Order. None spoke of the fact that the majority of Israeli political leadership are actually freemasons of the highest order. Its easy to speak about surface level bible prophecy and talk about the financial mess and the tribulation this and that and still skirt around the detail.