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What is the boards policy on peanut-free zones in schools?


What is the boards policy on peanut-free zones in schools?


In fact, there isn’t a specific policy related to peanut-free zones. Edmonton Catholic schools operate under a system that is site-based decision-making. So each individual site, each individual school has the flexibility to make decisions and set conduct policies in their school as it’s reflective of their school community. Is that just a fancy way of saying that the board leaves it up to the individual school to decide what’s best? What do you mean by site-specific? Site-based decision-making means that the parent community is involved with the decisions that are happening at their school. We do it with student conduct policies, so schools’ administration and parents sit down together and establish what is acceptable at their school for student conduct. Just as it is for dismissal times, activities at their schools. So the parents are really involved with what happens at the school. And it affects just that site. If it goes beyond that site, then the board gets involved. Why wouldn’t

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.