What is the California Vehicle Code Section for red light violation?
The California Vehicle Code Sections that regulate the red light violation for a red light camera ticket or for a red light ticket issued by a traffic officer are: 21453 a for entering an intersection while there is a round red traffic signal indication. 21453 b for not stopping at a red traffic signal indication prior to turning at an intersection. 21453 c for entering an intersection while there is a red arrow traffic signal indication. 12- Is a red light camera ticket defense different for violation of 21453 a in comparison to violation of 21453 c ? Yes. The most important issue is that the minimum yellow clearance time requirement for a tuning movement (left turn or right turn) is 3.0 seconds. Although the minimum yellow clearance time may be increased taking into consideration various conditions at the intersection. However, the extended yellow clearance time is not mandatory. Therefore, a compelling argument must be made to demonstrate that the minimum yellow clearance time in th