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What is the difference between a bill and a zoning text amendment?

Amendment text Zoning
10 Posted

What is the difference between a bill and a zoning text amendment?


A zoning text amendment (ZTA) would change the Zoning Ordinance, found in Chapter 59 of the County Code. Similarly, a subdivision regulation amendment (SRA) would change the Subdivision Regulations, found in Chapter 50 of the County Code. The Councils authority to pass ZTAs and SRAs comes from the Regional District Act, which is the state law that set up the land use regulation process in Montgomery and Prince Georges Counties. This is different from the Councils home rule authority as a Charter County to pass other legislation. Bills and ZTAs and SRAs follow similar legislative procedures, but more notice is required for the ZTAs and SRAs.

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.