What is the difference between a Field Supervisor, Field Instructor, Task Supervisor, Field Liaison and Field Coordinator?
What if an agency does not have an MSW on site? Agencies without an MSW must have an on-site Task Supervior who has an advanced degree or a level of experience in the field that allows for supervision of a Masters level student. Agencies without an on-site MSW must identify an off-site individual with an MSW to provide the field instruction in addition to the supervision students receive from the on-site supervisor. It is optimal for the off-site MSW to be familiar with the agency’s mission and work. What determines a student’s tasks and learning opportunities in an internship? Each student, in conjunction with the Field Supervisor, completes an Individualized Field Education Plan (IFEP), which is updated each quarter of the internship. The IFEP addresses all of the tasks, learning objectives and competencies for each internship year. Download the IFEP for the foundation year and the IFEP for the concentration year. When and why should students contact their assigned Field Liaison? Fie