What is the difference between a Search Engine and a Search Directory?
The difference between Search Engines and Search Directories is very subtle. Both Search Engines and Search Directories add websites to their database of websites that people can search. This is called indexing web pages. The difference is that Search Engines use computer programs to add pages to the database of websites. A Search Directory has humans to add pages to the database of websites. This causes differences in the search results that are returned from searches and can help or hurt you, depending on what you are to find. Some Search Engines and Search Directories are better at indexing pages than others. What are keywords and how do I find mine? Keywords are a word or group of words that people type into a search engine or search directory to get search results of websites to find more information about the information they are trying to find. There are tools available to you on the Internet to access statistics on recently searched keywords. These can usually be found on the s