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What is the difference between a Seat and a User license?

license seat user
10 Posted

What is the difference between a Seat and a User license?


A seat license is the license to install the software on a computer. For example, in the case of a V8 Workgroup engine, for every copy of the Pervasive PSQL V8 Workgroup box that you purchase, you are allowed to install that software on one computer. If you purchase two boxes, you can install on two computers, etc. A user license is very different. A user license, or user count, is a key (license) that determines the number of connections that an engine can support. This is similar to the client/server model where you can install Client requester software on as many workstations as you want, but the actual concurrent users accessing the server are controlled by a user license installed at the Server.

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.