What is the Difference Between a Static and Dynamic Virtual World?
A virtual world is an interactive, computer-generated, three-dimensional (3-D) environment. It is provided by a client or software program and can be a static or dynamic virtual world. In a static virtual world, the environment is pre-created and limited to the author’s original code. Though one can use an avatar to move about in a static virtual world and interact with monsters, other objects, and other characters, with enough experience, a static world can become predictable. This distinguishes it from a dynamic virtual world, which is always in change. In a dynamic virtual world, the environment is subject to continual development and expansion from user-intervention through built-in creation tools. The dynamic virtual world, used for virtual communities rather than gaming, is an ever-changing world that can never be completely known, because at any given moment, participants are forging new objects or landmasses within it. One example of a dynamic virtual world experience is offere