What is the difference between conization and cone biopsy?
What is the difference between conization and cone biopsy?Conization therapy and cone biopsy both refer to the same procedure — a removal of a cone-shaped piece of tissue from the cervix. The difference in terminology comes about for one of two reasons: either your doctor likes one word more than the other, or she’s trying to describe why the procedure was done. Answer: The removal of a cone-shaped piece of tissue from the cervix is most often referred to as a cone biopsy when it is done as a form of diagnosis — to determine the extent of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN). In contrast, doctors may be more likely to refer to the procedure as conization when it is performed primarily as a method of treatment to remove cervical dysplasia. Conization may be performed using a surgical knife (cold knife cutting, or CKC), by C02 laser, or by