What is the difference between HHB Noni Juice and HHB Noni Capsules?
We offer Noni in both capsule form and juice form. Which you use is a matter of personal preference. Our Noni Juice comes from the juice of the fermented noni fruit, whereas our Noni Capsules are made from the whole fermented freeze-dried fruit, including the juice, the pulp and the seeds. The Noni Juice must be refrigerated, comes in a glass bottle, has a best shelf life of 2 years, may be taken in larger “therapeutic” doses and is slightly easier to assimilate/digest. Our unique 10:1 potency capsules have an extra anti-fungal action due to the seeds present in the noni powder, are encapsulated in 100% vegetarian cellulose, have a shelf life of two years and are very potent. Both forms of Noni seem to be equally effective and we hear good results from people taking both. On occasion, a person has difficulty digesting the capsules and it is not recommended to take more than the 2-3 capsules suggested on the bottle.