What is the difference between local, regional and long distance phone service?
Local calls are calls within your immediate geographical area. Depending on where you live, your local service area could extend to your entire neighborhood or city, or even to other cities. You can visit the AT&T Local Number Lookup website to find number(s) in your local calling area. Regional toll calls, also known as local toll calls, are for distances that fall in between local and long distance. These calls may be in your area code or a different one across town, or in the next county. Your regional calling area is called a LATA. View a map of your local toll calling area. State-to-State Long Distance calls are beyond your local service area and regional toll calling area. Some calls within your state may be long distance calls (In-state Long Distance). Calls to another state are usually long distance calls. View a visual representation of AT&T Call Types.
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