What is the difference between quartz watches, automatic wind watches, and manual wind watches?
Quartz watches are watches that are powered by a battery and does not require manual winding. Quartz watches got its name from the quartz crystal in the watch. How quartz watches work in a nut shell: a small battery in the watch causes the quartz crystal to vibrate; a small computer chip then translates these vibrations into pulses that drive a stepping motor that causes the gears that move the watch’s hands to turn. Quartz watches were introduced in the late 1960s and really flourished in the 1970s due to its significant lower cost as compared to automatic and manual wind watches and its extreme accuracy. An automatic watch is a watch whose mainspring is wound by the wrist movement of the wearer. The wrist movement of the wearer causes a rotor to turn and transmit its energy to the main spring to keep it wound. An automatic watch is self winding and does not require a battery. It is important to know that an automatic watch will stop if not worn for over a day, or if the wearer has be