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What is the maximum settlement amount for concussion in car accident?

Accident car concussion maximum
Posted Jogn Cartman edited answer

What is the maximum settlement amount for concussion in car accident?


Injuries from car accidents such as concussion must first be examined and treated by a doctor. The amount of settlement for an injury in a car accident must always take into consideration the extent of one’s injuries, its effect or impact on the victim’s life, and the cost of the victim’s future treatment and hospitalization. Hence, the amount of settlement for one’s injuries in a car accident will depend partly on the findings of the victim’s attending physician.


Hey, there isn’t a minimum or maximum settlement amount for concussion. It depends on the type of accident that happened to you, it depends on the treatment applied to you. A significant factor is the amount of days you spend in hospital. Depending on that, person who is guilty for the accident that happened to you can even go to jail. If it took more than 90 days for you to recover, it is a very serious felony. In this case you’ll get maximum settlement amounts and the person that traumatized you will go to jail. You can contact a lawyer from if you want to know more.

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