What is the NPS policy on commercial filming and photography?
It is the policy of the National Park Service (NPS) to allow filming and photography when the filming: • is consistent with the protection and public enjoyment of park resources. • assists the NPS in fulfilling its mission. When is a permit application denied? A permit application will be denied if: • Natural, cultural, wilderness, and recreational resources will be harmed. • The activity will unduly conflict with the public’s normal use and enjoyment of a park. Who needs a permit? • A permit is required if the filming, video taping, sound recording or still photography involves the use of a model (or any on-camera talent), set, or prop, or when the filming, video taping, sound recording, or still photography could result in damage to park resources or significant disruption of normal visitor use. • A permit is also required if the photographer wants to go into areas not open to the public or before or after normal visitation hours. • A commercial photographer who is not using a prop,