What is the shelf life of Martini&rossi Asti Spumanti sparkling wine?
This question should be taken seriously. To begin with, it’s worth finding out what the shelf life of a Martini Astia is and what it depends on. The technology for properly storing this wine is not much different from that of other Martini wines. It is best to keep the Champagne Asti in a cold room. Not where you store your barware set. However, that doesn’t mean it needs to be frozen at all. Of course, the best option would be to put a bottle of Martini in the cellar. If one wants to extend the acceptable shelf life of Champagne Martini Asti for as long as possible, they put it right on the top shelf of the refrigerator.
It will be fine. When I worked in a posh restaurant we always ignored the sell by dates anyway, but as long as it’s still gassy, it’s got to be ok. It tastes best if it’s been in the freezer for an hour or so, or in a very cold fridge for a couple of hours. Otherwise it’s a bit sweet. I’ve never heard of anybody being poisoned by Asti Spumante, but it’s not favoured by wine snobs, probably because it is sweet. You can make quite a nice cocktail with it using vodka and vermouth. Just chill it and enjoy it – I’ll metaphorically drink it with you and a happy Christmas!