What is the SNP analysis process?
* All SNP collection kits, swab and mailing envelopes are bar-coded for tracking and confidentiality. * After receiving the swabs, the lab confirms and uploads the barcoded sample for confidentiality, tracking and control. * The DNA is extracted from the swab and the lab amplifies the region of the DNA containing the SNP. The technique used to amplify the individual’s DNA is called a polymerase chain reaction (PCR). * The SNP is then detected by using a proprietary technology and a variety of important quality control systems are in place to ensure accuracy and repeatability. * The results of the detected SNPs are then analyzed and compiled by specically programmed computers and translated electronically into a confidential report called a LifeMap Healthy Aging Assessment. How do you choose which SNPs are evaluated in GeneWize LifeMap Healthy Aging DNA assessment?
* All SNP collection kits are bar-coded for tracking and confidentiality. * After receiving the swabs, the lab barcodes the sample for confidentiality and control. * The DNA is extracted from the swab and the lab amplifies the region of the DNA containing the SNP. The technique used to amplify the individual’s DNA is called a polymerase chain reaction (PCR). * The SNP is then detected by using a new, proprietary technology. * The results of the detected SNPs are then analyzed by specially programmed computers and translated into a confidential report called a profile.
* All SNP collection kits, swab and mailing envelopes are bar-coded for tracking and confidentiality. * After receiving the swabs, the lab confirms and uploads the barcoded sample for confidentiality, tracking and control. * The DNA is extracted from the swab and the lab amplifies the region of the DNA containing the SNP. The technique used to amplify the individual’s DNA is called a polymerase chain reaction (PCR). * The SNP is then detected by using a proprietary technology and a variety of important quality control systems are in place to ensure accuracy and repeatability. * The results of the detected SNPs are then analyzed and compiled by specically programmed computers and translated electronically into a confidential report called a LifeMap Healthy Aging Assessment™. How do you choose which SNPs are evaluated in GeneWize LifeMap Healthy Aging ™ DNA assessment? Although human DNA contains millions of SNPs, GeneLink scientist used the following criteria to choose the SNPs for the
* All SNP collection kits, swab and mailing envelopes are bar-coded for tracking and confidentiality. * After receiving the swabs, the lab confirms and uploads the barcoded sample for confidentiality, tracking and control. * The DNA is extracted from the swab and the lab amplifies the region of the DNA containing the SNP. The technique used to amplify the individual’s DNA is called a polymerase chain reaction (PCR). * The SNP is then detected by using a proprietary technology and a variety of important quality control systems are in place to ensure accuracy and repeatability. * The results of the detected SNPs are then analyzed and compiled by specifically programmed computers and translated electronically into a confidential report called a LifeMap Healthy Aging Assessment™. How do you choose which SNPs are evaluated in GeneWize LifeMap Healthy Aging ™ DNA assessment? Although human DNA contains millions of SNPs, GeneLink scientist used the following criteria to choose the SNPs for th