What kind of samples can be run in the Quansys Multiplex ELISA Array?
The Q-Plex Array has been tested with serum, plasma, urine, and cell and tissue lysate. We have experienced no interference from FBS, 1% NP-40, 1% Tween, 1% Triton X-100, heparin (30 mg/ml), 1M urea, 20 mM EDTA, 20% citrate. SDS has been shown to interfere with the assay. Human samples containing human antibodies must be diluted 1:2 in the provided sample dilution buffer to remove potential false postives. If tissue homogenates or cell lysates are used, centrifuging is recommended to clarify samples prior to using in the assay. When using tissue homogenates, we recommend preparation in a protein-free buffer so that samples can be tested for total protein to normalize cytokine responses.